What do all the wire colors mean?

Click here to discover a special symbolic meaning for each of the wire colors!
Things to Check Before Calling Your
Phone Company Repair Service
Why would I want to do my own telephone wiring?
Why would I want more than one phone line?
Why does HomePhoneWiring.com exist?
Why does this site look "old"?

Please read these caution statements
before doing any phone wiring using the advice provided on these pages.
Links to My Main Pages:
Add a Jack |
Wire 2nd Line |
Wire 3rd Line |
Wire DSL |
Wire Colors |
Wiring Block Techniques and Tips
Links to My Info Pages:
Safety Cautions |
Color Codes |
Network Interface (NID)
Jacks/Adapters |
2 Line Jacks |
Jack Standards
Repair Service |
Cable Routing |
DSL Splitter at NID |
DSL Splitter at Star Hub
DSL Splitter at the Router |
DSL Splitter and Alarm Systems
Why do wiring? |
Why more lines?
Some useful outside links:
Regional Bell Operating Companies and Local Exchange Companies
Manufacturers and Vendor/Distributors for Jacks and Tools
Other Phone Wiring Advice Pages and other links
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