Contact Phoneman
If you send a request for advice, please make sure you
can receive the reply.
Please add the addresses shown below to your "allowed lists" in your email
client and spam filtering software.
It's very frustrating to spend the time to compose a detailed response to a
request for advice, then send the email and receive an automated response saying
the reply was blocked because the address was not in an EarthLink "Approved
Senders" list, a PeoplePC address book, or some such thing.
If you're going to take the time to send me an email, please also take the time
to ensure the response will not be blocked.
Allow emails from:

Send emails to:
Sorry, you'll need to edit the email address to enter the current year and remove
The volume of email the spam bots generate to a web posted address without this
measure is outrageous.
If you have comments or questions about this web site, please send me an email.
I review every email received and respond as time permits.
If you do not receive a response, please do not be offended.
I respond to email requests for more specific personalized advice whenever
possible but due to the large volume of email messages that I receive, I am not able to
provide a personal response to some of them.
If the info you need is not in the web site, send me an email.
If time permits, I will respond and I do respond to the great majority of
request for advice.
I will also use your questions to know where to concentrate my efforts so that
the information may be there if you check back at a future date.
Requests for advice that are covered in the web site may not get a response, so
please take the time to follow all the links.
I simply receive too many emails to always respond to requests for information
that is already on the web site.
If you don't receive a response and think you email or my response may have been
blocked by spam filters, you are welcome to send me another email.
If you don't receive a response, please send me another
email, providing a phone number in case emails sent to you are being blocked.
I don't post my phone number because it would generate thousands of calls asking
for help with wiring projects and I'd never get anything else done!
If you send me your phone number, I will call you and nobody else
will get your phone number from me.
At this time it is not possible to make a donation to help maintain this site.
In the past I had made it possible for kind individuals to make donations via PayPal to help support the maintenance of this site. I recently shut down my business that provided me a means of paying the state sales tax that PayPal collected on some donations. Without a means to pay that sales tax to the state, i have had to remove the option of making a donation. If the desire to help support maintenance of the site got you to this page, thanks for your good intentions. Feel free to make a donation to a charity of your choice instead.
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